Mellior Group, 209, Queens Dock Business Centre, Liverpool, L1 0BJ.



The Mellior Group is a developer of purpose built residential accommodation in the UK. We are proud to have delivered quality projects across the Northwest in excess of £250million of value and we are excited by our pipeline of opportunities. Our vision is to be a leading developer in the UK delivering more than 10,000 Build to Rent (BTR homes over the next 10-12 years.

We are driven by our belief in the power of the built environment to influence peoples health and wellbeing which is reflected in all our projects.


Our vision is to be a leading developer and investor in purpose-built rental accommodation, delivering sustainable and affordable homes and buildings for our communities.

We are proud to have delivered quality projects across the Northwest in excess of £250million of value and our excited about the pipeline of opportunities we have access to with an estimated GDV of more than £400m.

We are driven by our belief in the power of the built environment to influence people’s health and wellbeing which is reflected in all our projects.

We are committed to rebuilding, transforming and reshaping spaces into vibrant places that are part of the fabric of the community. Supporting local initiatives and making positive impacts to our surroundings is at the very core of our ethos.


Our team at Mellior is made up of experienced construction and development professionals from Tier 1 contractors who have now worked together for the last ten years delivering quality projects in the sector. We bring knowledge, expertise and best practices refined in top tier construction businesses and the financial sector.

The experience, coupled with strong financial backing and an outstanding construction delivery team, has enabled us to build a reputation for delivering award-winning projects on time and to budget whilst allowing communities to flourish.


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